All day long
From 17-07-17 to 18-07-17
The Traditional Pow wow is held every year in the month of June and is hosted in rotation by one of Wikwemikong’s satellite communities.
The traditional powwow is a celebration of community spirit through song, dance and traditional foods. Visitors are welcome to witness this traditional celebration of the Anishinaabek people.
Invited Drums: Genaabaajing Jr.s, Young Bisiineh, Chipiwaa Travellers, High Eagle, Thunder Earth
Drum Honorarium for first 4 drums, 5 singer minimum registered
Honorarium for registered dancers daily
M.C.: Chris Pheasant & Danny Fox
Stickman: Robert Stoneypoint
Head Veteran: Robert Eshkibok
Head Elder: Ray Jackson
Specials: Mens Traditional (Randy Trudeau)
Memorial Specials: (Community Members)
Kenneth Pheasant Special
Hand Drum Special
(Sponsored by Chris/Joanna Pheasant)
Find more information at their website.